Tigress Unleashed

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Fate vs. Destiny

Massive shifts are occurring in our collective consciousness. No one truly knows what’s to come next; yet we do know one thing … we are about to enter a whole new world. Many, many souls have been evolving in ways that are genetically groundbreaking. We are living in a time period of humanity re-awakening to their own personal power. We are amongst the creation of new legacies. This means a new foundation for society is about to be laid. Well … it’s already been paved. It’s written in the stars. It’s Destiny. The Legacy of Love. The return of Heaven on Earth. The Era of Unity.

During this massive shift in consciousness, I’ve realized something. We are all being presented with a choice : Fate vs. Destiny.

Fate : “the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.”

Destiny : “the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.”

I used to associate fate and destiny as interchangeable words … I now see them a bit differently. Below is an excerpt from my journal during an automatic writing session.

March 30, 2023

Moving towards the integration of all soul parts to fulfill my destiny. That’s the thing about destiny - it’s inevitable. It’s signed by God. Yet one must chose to align themselves with their destiny … otherwise it’s up to fate. Fate is a fragile thing. It can be easily influenced by your surroundings and experiences. Fate is the human life you were born into. Destiny is what you make of it; your spiritual calling. We all have one - yet some never get still enough to hear it.

Shortly after sitting with this concept that fate can be fickle based on your surroundings, I came across an Abraham Hicks quote : “The secret of the universe really is minding your own business. What we mean by that is : Don’t get so involved in the desires or beliefs of others that you cause confusion or chatter in your own vibration and compromise your own alignment.”

Destiny is soul alignment. Fate is predetermined. Destiny is your inner calling. Fate is your external reflection. For instance, here’s a surface-level example. Your destiny is to adopt a dog. As a child, you witnessed a vicious dog attack. You were fated to see this encounter because of the environment you were in. As a result, you developed a fear of animals, especially dogs. With time you discover a deep longing for a dog … but now you are susceptible to hesitation and denial because of a predetermined programming. Instead of taking action towards your destiny, you let fate block you. The circumstance you were born into created a memory of fear towards the one thing that was actually meant for you.

Do you see?

Are you still with me?

If you are, this message is for you. The purpose of this next season is to not sacrifice what the heart longs for in order to satisfy what the mind is trying to make sense of. Do not fall trap to the noise of your past. Do not get swept away in the current of others lives. It’s time to stand up and bare your teeth. It’s time to roar. It’s time to align yourself with what you know you deserve. It’s time to claim your Divine Destiny. We all have one. We embody it once we stop playing the game of fate.

*Bonus* Fate does not have to be an “unfortunate” thing .. in fact some fated events are directly aligned with your destiny. These are the magical opportunities and experiences that fill your heart with pure joy. Fate in alignment with destiny is when your external environment is supporting your soul’s purpose. This is when you stop playing the game of fate and start becoming the creator of your own reality. This is when you awaken to your inner power and life begins to reflect your wildest dreams. You now simultaneously trust your ability to co-create with the universe while surrendering to the Divine plan beyond your perception.

Intuitive Action + Faith = Divine Unfoldment.

Happy Emergence, Family.

May We All Continue to Rise.

What fated event has occurred that aided in your evolution?

What fated event has occurred that blocked you from progression? What did you learn from this?

How is your relationship with your internal guidance?

What does your destiny feel like? Can you surrender to how it will look?