Find Your Center
I’ve been tossing around a few different topics to write about this week; the rare hybrid solar eclipse, the upcoming lunar eclipse, entering mercury retrograde, transitioning from Aries to Taurus season, the weather change … there is a lot going on right now. The energy of the Universe is loud, and may I add, a bit jumbled. So I’ve decided to land here : Find Your Center.
Admits the astrological conditions we are experiencing; the world is in a state of uncertainty and change. No one seems to know exactly what is going on, yet we can all feel something brewing. I am not here to make predictions. And I do not wish to focus on what’s happening in the sky nor here on the earth. Instead - I wish to focus on what’s going on within. Because no matter where the planets move or what worldly changes occur, all we truly have is the present moment. And within the present moment, we have the gift of ourselves.
What do I mean by this? I mean exactly what I said : the gift of ourselves. You are a gift. Say it out-loud, “I am a gift to this world. And the more present I am, the more of a present I become.” Life has taught many of us to feel unworthy because we do not fit some standard that has been placed upon us. Free yourself from that scam. Life is too short to be living in fear. All of the judgement, comparison, greed, guilt, sadness, anxiety, longing … it’s draining isn’t it? So I ask you, when is the last time you saw yourself as a gift? When is the last time you honored how uniquely special you are?
Find Your Center is a tool that aids in grounding thyself. Finding Your Center is all about sitting with self, away from any external influence, and exploring your inner ways of thinking/being. I suggest re-visiting the questions below when you can sit outside with a pen and paper, but that is not necessary. Do not think too hard, go with the first thing that enters your mind.
Start by asking yourself these questions :
What am I grateful for?
What makes me happy?
What am I proud of?
What am I looking forward to?
Who/What inspires me?
What is my resting emotional state? : If I were to sit in a room by myself in silence, what is my default emotion?
Release all limitations … If I could do anything in the world right now, what would it be?
These questions will give you insight on who you are at your core. Your Light; Your Center. Your answers will aid you in discovering what you are made of. Your gratitude, your joy, your accomplishments, your dreams, your encouragement, your emotional state of being, and your desires. You may take these questions as deep or surface level as you wish. The important part is that you answer them with honesty and authenticity.
This brings me to my next point : Is your voice even your own? Humans are easily programmable. It’s scientific fact. From the moment we are conceived/birthed, we being to absorb and process the world around us. The world around us teaches us who to be, how to act, what to say, what is good, bad, and everything in-between. But the question is…. does the world that raised you align with your internal world? Do you believe all that you were programmed to be? Or is there a quiet voice inside of you that secretly wishes things were different? If so, you may feel resistance or a sense of ‘dis-ease’ in your daily life. Surface-level examples : your family wanted you to be a doctor, so you became a doctor. When in reality you wanted to become a musician. Or maybe everyone around you seems to be okay with bringing people down and judging them. When in reality it makes you feel poor inside. Now these programs of “become a doctor” and “judge others” is a resting thought in your mind. These thoughts begin to shape your reality because you have learned that they are accepted by others around you. These thoughts will leave you walking paths that were never yours to begin with. These thoughts have the power to make you forget who you are at your core.
Yeah … it’s time to end that. Once you begin to dig deeper on this topic on your own; you will realize some of the most common phrases you use everyday are actually not yours. You picked them up from social media, books, family, friends, etc. At first is may be frustrating to realize all that you picked up to survive and camouflage with your surroundings. Do not be discouraged. There is no one to blame. It’s just life. But having awareness is key. Because once you gain awareness, you can walk forward with power and truth. You can walk forward confidently in Your Center.
Tigress, I still don’t get that my voice is not my own …
Here are some situational questions to keep in mind :
Do I mean what I just said?
What are the impact of the words I speak and think?
Am I speaking life or despair into the world around me?
Where did I learn this from?
Why did I react in that way?
Does this thought make me feel good or bad? : Is this thought important to my well-being?
Who told me this?
Many have gotten hypnotized by their own individual realities that keep them asleep to their true essence. Each person has their own personalized reality that has been created for them and by them. But the “by them” comes before the “for them” … I hope that makes sense. Meaning the reality you decide to create will always dictate your circumstances before the reality that has been given to you does. Meaning a reality of shame and hesitation could have been given to you - but you are able to create a reality of confidence and action. A reality of poverty may have been given to you - but you are able to create a reality of wealth. BY YOU, FOR YOU. Take charge of the life you want. It’s the only way. Because if we keep listening to what the world around us is telling us to do for our happiness - we’ll be stuck forever. And we’ll never find who we truly are.
These next few weeks will illuminate where you are being called to take charge. What actions are necessary to align with your true self? What must be released? What are you willing to welcome? How do you feel about it all? You will be called more and more to your authentic happiness - not a false sense of accomplishment for the acceptance of society.
Don’t be surprised if you begin to witness major shifts around you. It is crucial for all to align with their highest being right now. Our highest being is the one who leads with love and unity. Focus on practicing positive perspective shifts. Focus on faith. Decide what type of life you want to live and deserve to live. What are you truly made of? What are you meant to create and bring into this world? What are you meant to show up for? Be a warrior of love. Stand up for what you believe in, make peace with the things you cannot change, honor the gift of being alive, and explore your inner world. Only within can the answers be found. We have reached the Turning Point.
A passionate and powerful time awaits you. New opportunities, journeys, and experiences … get excited!
Please watch this video linked below. I suggest watching from 5:39 - 8:56.
Although, if you are present and have an open mind, the full video is only 10 minutes.
No fear welcome over here, but this meme forever holds a place in my heart. 😂
Remeber to smile and laugh today. Although it gets deep - it’s never that serious!!